Still plugging away


I'm still plugging away at uploading my old site's content to this new site, as well as compiling an electronic clip file of as many of my articles as I can track down and get in the system. That, in particular, is a time-consuming process, but I have more than 400 articles up, including everything I've written for the Phoenix (both as a freelancer and since joining the staff full-time) and a bunch of other stuff. I'm tagging them with the publication names, and posting them on their publication dates, so you can have a little retrospective of what I've been up to. There's still a lot to do, and I really want to get the old stuff posted and the clip file completed before I spend more time doing other things. But please keep checking back!

UPDATE 2/24: With the inspiration of WritingRoads, and the amazing help of ThreeColumnBlogger, I've updated the look a little bit, with the left column for entries, the middle one for professional and blog-navigation stuff, and the right column for social-networking information.