James Jeffrey Inglis
PO Box 242
Middlebury, VT 05753 USA
Objectives | Employment Experience | Published Works | Technology Experience |
University Level Education | Skills and Activities | References
To offer expertise, advice, and assistance in design, development, and implementation of technology, to educational institutions and teachers. To improve the prevalence of effective instructional materials in classrooms. To improve the proficiency and comfort of educators with technology, and to help them find pedagogically appropriate ways of using technology in their classrooms. To assist institutions with developing effective instructional technology plans and programs, and to aid them in implementing effective strategies for educational uses of technology.
Language Technology User Support Specialist, Middlebury College Language Schools
September 1995-July 1996
- Supported faculty developing multimedia language teaching software.
- Instructor, Mellon Technology Workshops and Residencies.
- Assisted with designing, outlining, and writing of grant proposals.
- Member of cutting-edge design/evangelism/development team.
- Use, instruction, and support of high-end hypermedia tools.
- Operations management for daily Language Schools technology needs.
- Coordination of campus-wide hardware/software installation and support.
- Configuration and maintenance of 55-station Macintosh teaching labs.
Chair, Language Pedagogy Task Force, Middlebury College
September 1995-July 1996
- Appointed by College President, elected by Task Force members.
- Task Force members were senior administration and faculty.
- Brought Task Force to successful final agreement on difficult issues of politics and pedagogy.
- Wrote and edited report to the College President detailing current language pedagogy at Middlebury, and our plans for the future.
- Kept minutes and Task Force records; served as document repository.
- Designed, conducted, and compiled a survey of the student body.
Interactive Learning Center Assistant, Middlebury College Language Schools
June 1995-August 1995
- Assistance of faculty developing multimedia language teaching software.
- Technical support of CALICO and Mellon language technology conferences.
- Networked Macintosh teaching lab configuration and maintenance.
- Technical support of faculty and departmental machines.
Computer Consultant, Middlebury College
January 1992-May 1995
- Supervision of 30 student consultants supporting students, faculty, and staff.
- Networked IBM teaching lab configuration and maintenance.
- LAN troubleshooting: Novell NetWare v3.11 and AppleTalk.
- Programming and support of custom software, individual & collaborative efforts in Excel and FoxBase for 5 College departments.
Instructor, Winter Term Class, Middlebury College
January 1995
- Academic Research Using the Internet:
- A class using the capability of the Internet for searching, information retrieval, and as a resource for academic use supplemental to a library.
- Class home page: http://pobox.com/~jeff.inglis/research/class/
An automated scanner, disinfectant, and inoculator against the merryxmas virus, which is a virus infecting HyperCard stacks. Rudolph is a collaborative effort between myself and Jim Rodda. He did the graphics, and I wrote the code for Rudolph. It is a full-feature anti-virus program, permitting unattended operation, verbose logging of activity, prevention against future infection, and scanning of entire drives, folders, or even individual HyperCard stacks. Rudolph is distributed on the InfoMac CD archive by Pacific Hi-Tech, Inc., in the InfoMac archives at Stanford University, and on ftp.flannet.middlebury.edu.
AddSIVC is a HyperCard stack which installs Simple Internet Version Control capability into existing HyperCard stacks. This automates and facilitates software upgrades for users, and information on the user base for product developers. Developed by Chris W. Johnson at the University of Texas, SIVC was implemented in C and Pascal when I undertook to build a HyperCard implementation. AddSIVC is distributed in the InfoMac archives at Stanford University and from Chris's own site at UTexas.
QTKanji is a project of the Language Schools technology team in collaboration with academic colleagues in Japan,and the Japanese Ministry of Education. QTKanji teaches students how to draw the Kanji characters used in written Japanese. It contains a large database of QuickTime movies demonstrating how to draw the characters, and permits extraction from that database of certain characters to make up a lesson for students, who are permitted to draw, on paper or on screen, the intended character. QTKanji is in use at Middlebury College, and has been distributed to several colleges and universities in the US.
- Adobe Photoshop, Avid Premiere, Adobe Videoshop, Macromedia Director.
- Still image and video processing.
- Project design, layout, development.
Operating Systems
- Proficient with MacOS, Windows95, Windows 3.1, and DOS.
- Holder of two Apple-registered application creator types.
- Significant experience with VMS, UNIX C Shell.
- Expert Internet navigator. Home page: http://pobox.com/~jeff.inglis/
- WorldWide Web design and development assistant for Middlebury College Language Schools, Geonomics Institute, Center for Northern Studies.
Software Packages
- Intimately familiar with NisusWriter, Microsoft Word (including macros), WordPerfect, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint.
Programming Languages
- Most recent work with HyperTalk, FoxPro, Microsoft Excel, and HTML.
- Have also programmed in FoxBase, dBase, Pascal, and ANSI C.
- Middlebury College, Vermont
- Bachelor of Arts in History, May 1995.
- University College, Cork, Ireland
- Course work in History, 1993-1994.
- Assistant Photo Editor for Kaleidoscope (College yearbook).
- Staff Photographer for Campus (College weekly newspaper).
- Experienced color and black and white photographer.
- Processing and printing of black and white film and paper.
- Middlebury Mountain Club Guide
- Experienced hiker, backpacker, snowshoer. Planner and leader of numerous trips for groups numbering up to 12, varying from day hikes to four nights.
- Clara Yu, Mellon Project Director, Middlebury College Language Schools, Middlebury, VT 05753 USA
- Ronald Liebowitz, Vice President of the College, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT 05753 USA
- Amy Barna, Language Schools Coordinator, Middlebury College Language Schools, Middlebury, VT 05753 USA
- Marsha DeBonis, Special Projects Coordinator, Middlebury College Language Schools, Middlebury, VT 05753 USA
- John Elder, Professor of English and Environmental Studies, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT 05753 USA
- Paul Monod, Associate Professor of History, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT 05753 USA